Carol Ann Duffy, Poet for Our Times was published in June 2016
Recent Lectures/Conference Papers (Selected)
- Convened a panel, ‘States and disruptions of dream by avant-garde women poets’ and gave a paper, ‘“I was like one
dead, like a small ghost”: Edith Sitwell’s “shy dreams”.’ at The fourth international conference of EAM (European Network for Avant-Garde Modernism’: UTOPIA, University of Helsinki
- Invited plenary lecture: ‘Plath and the new confessional poetry’, Sylvia Plath: Fifty Years on, University of
Oxford, 1 June 2013.
- Feminism: Activism: Modernisms:
Modernisms Research Centre, University College Cork, September 14th -15th
- “‘Women’s Poetry’ is simply awful”: Edith Sitwell and the female affiliation complex’
- invited paper, Symposium ‘Sitwelliana’, University of Birmingham 29/30 September, 2011.
- ‘From fragmentation to fixity: written to electronic archives. Elizabeth Jennings-a case study’ at,
Reclamation and representation: the boundaries of the literary archive, University of Exeter, 2-3rd October 2010
- Convened a panel Panel: In and Out of Gender, and gave a paper, ‘“Every disease is a work of art”: Towards a New
Confessionalism’ at: Contemporary British and Irish Contemporary Poetry Conference, Queen’s University Belfast 15-17 September 2010
- Convened a panel and gave a paper on: new approaches in women's poetry at New Texts, Approaches, and Technologies,
The Third Biennial International Conference of the Contemporary Women’s Writing Network. In Collaboration with San Diego State University 7-9 July 2010.
- Invited to speak as part of a panel of experts on using archives and sources for research at Middlebrow
Cultures, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
14th –15th July 2009
- ‘Time and Tide and The Bermondsey Book: Interventions in the public sphere’, Modernist Magazines and Politics,
1900-1939. Université du Maine (Le Mans, France), 6-8 June 2008.
- British Council invitation and funding: ‘Women and the Lyric in the Twentieth Century’, at the Universities of Banja
Luka, Tuzla and Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina, March 2008.
Other forms of public presentation
- March, 2010: Interviewed Jean Binta Breeze at the Y Theatre Leicester for a DVD to be included in a reprint of her
poems, published by Bloodaxe in 2011.
- 1 September, 2010, Poetry Library, Royal Festival Hall, South Bank, London: convened an event on Women’s Poetry ‘
What Every Woman Should Carry’ at which I gave a lecture on women’s poetry over the last 100 years.
- Gave invited lecture to postgraduates in the English Department, University of Kolkata, 7 September, 2010. ‘The
cracks / that grow between borders’: reading gender in literature in the 21st Century.
- In conversation with Meera Syal, De Montfort University, 4 March, 2011
- ‘Teaching and Reading Contemporary Women's Poetry’, Liverpool John Moores University, January 18, 2014, for
postgraduates: 'Communicating More Effectively Within and Beyond the Classroom'. This event was one in a series of an AHRC-funded Collaborative Skills Development Programme, initiated by the
Contemporary Women’s Writing Association
- Editorial board of Contemporary Women’s Writing.
- Reviewer/Reader for Cambridge University Press, Palgrave, Routledge. Ashgate, Poetry Review, Feminist